World History | |
WH 3 | Dawn of the Industrial Revolution Examine the origins, impact, and spread of the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions. 1. Analyze the factors that led to the Industrial Revolution in England. 2. Discuss the significance of the Agricultural Revolution, Enclosure Movement, 3. Evaluate important concepts and inventors during the Industrial Revolution (e.g., 4. Contrast factors that enhanced or impeded the spread of Industrial Revolution into |
Edison and the Kansas Housewife (BB) Assessment The Industrial Revolution in the United States – Primary Source Set |
WH 4 | Results of the Industrial Revolution 1. Examine the principles of capitalism as developed by classical economist 2. Compare and contrast the rise of economic theories as a result of the 3. Appraise government reactions to social problems including Britain’s and 4. Investigate major social problems and solutions caused by urban 5. Analyze the International impacts and contributions of intellectual |
The Industrial Revolution in the United States – Primary Source Set |
WH 5 | Nationalism in the Nineteenth Century 2. Analyze the characteristics that defined Russia, Austria-Hungary, and the 3. Trace the emergence of political economic, and social modernization in the |
Italian Atrocities (BB) Assessment |
WH 6 | Imperialism Evaluate western imperialism as a force of global change, emphasizing its impact on colonized peoples and lands. 3. Compare important events in the partition of Africa by European powers |
Soweto Uprising (BB) Assessment Apartheid in South Africa (BB) Assessment |
WH 7 | World War I Examine the causes, effects, and significant events of World War I in 1. Assess the primary causes of World War I (e.g., the rise of militarism, alliance 2. Describe how trench warfare and advances in military technology affected 3. Examine the role of propaganda as a means to mobilize civilian populations 4. Evaluate the physical and economic destruction of Europe caused by World 5. Analyze the United States’ increasing role in global affairs during and after |
American Imperialism (BB) Assessment World War I Advertising (BB) Assessment Debate Over the League of Nations (BB) Assessment Russia and Austria in World War I (BB) Assessment Dome Hospital (BB) Assessment League of Nations (BB) Assessment Appeasement at Munich (BB) Assessment |
WH 8 | Interwar Period Analyze the challenges of the interwar period, emphasizing the rise of 1. Analyze the Treaty of Versailles as an agent for unrest. |
Appeasement at Munich (BB) Assessment |
WH 9 | World War II Compare and contrast the causes, effects, and significant events of World War II. 1. Analyze totalitarian aggression by Germany, Italy, Japan, and the Soviet |
Soviets in Berlin (BB) Assessment The Cold War – Primary Source Set |
WH 10 | Cold War Analyze the period of post-World War II recovery and realignment, emphasizing the social, economic, and political effects of the Cold War. 2. Analyze various economic, political, and military shifts of the post-World War II world 5. Trace the political movements of various nationalist groups and their leaders |
Napalm in Vietnam (BB) Assessment Buddhist Monk Protest (BB) Assessment The Cold War – Primary Source Set |
WH11 | Contemporary World Debate the changing role of globalization 1. Examine social and political issues that helped advance civil and human rights 2. Examine OPEC’s dominance over the world’s oil market and its influence in 3. Analyze the aspects of modern domestic and global terrorism (e.g., the 4. Recognize the global impact of the internet (e.g., social media platforms and |
“Supreme Court Kills Segregation”: Newspaper coverage of Brown v. Board of Education |